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What's So Bad About Microsoft?

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 7:58 pm    Post subject: What's So Bad About Microsoft? Reply with quote

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Author: moderator

Please discuss the KMFMS page What's So Bad About Microsoft? within this thread.

- The Moderator
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 8:01 pm    Post subject: N.I.C.E. Reply with quote

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Author: Refalm

Very good article! Needs a little bit of updating though... (.NET, TCPA, Palladium etc.)
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 8:10 pm    Post subject: timeline of products killed Reply with quote

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Author: swdev

A list of corporate investments has been made thru 99 but nobody has documented the products killed by MSFT AFAIK. Last checked, giving away a product when others are selling it is strictly illegal if you dominate an industry. Here is a list as I've heard it...

92-93 : GUI add-on for DOS, many selling (centerpt etc) but MSFT uses OS monopoly to effectively give away windows atop DOS
94 : TCP/IP stack, Wollongong etc. sold but MSFT gave away in OS
: Quattro Pro always rated better than Excel, AmiPro better than Word, PPT cannot even draw dotted lines. MSFT bundles and uses monopoly to kill superior products.
95 : Web Browser, several were selling but MSFT gave away in OS and lots of other places
: Unix (NFS), Mainframe, and Netware connectivity. Some were selling, MSFT gave away in OS
: MSFT squashes would-be PC game market with sorry ass Arcade CD. Game market never really moves to PC thru 2003 as no serious game company can compete with MSFT cheap though weak game products.
96 : Web Server, some selling, MSFT gave away in OS
97 : <your entry here>
: lots of web enabling technologies that don't 1/2 work plus lots of COM crap that MSFT told everyone to use but never used themselves in their own products!
98 : IP conferencing, many selling but MSFT gave away NetMeeting
: Delphi superior to MSFT Dev products. MSFT hires Delphi architect for $998K from Borland. Delphi dies.
99 : MSFT integrates db spooling and other middle ware functionality into OS (free SW for OS)
00 : <>
01 : <>
02 : XP etc. include single-click login feature that others were selling already as add-ins for MSFT OS's. Tons of other "features" included into Windows which are direct copies of add-on products others were selling.

The short summary is that MSFT hs produced some good products but killed those who actually created the innovations. The net results is software prices have remained very high and the entire industry has been slowed by several years.

A whole other list needs to document MSFT usage of its monopoly to enter other markets. Some have documented how MSFT strong-armed its customers and partners to get MSN going. How about how MSFT uses IE (which is already illegal to give away though the US government fails to enforce law) to lead users to use MSFT wallet (wasn't Double-Click judged illegal yet MSFT wallet is allowed!) and MSN search engines. Moral of the story is companies like Google will go the same way as others. Out of business. Resistence is futile. Join or die.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 8:12 pm    Post subject: I like it Reply with quote

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Author: stevenlego

Thank you KMFMS for the very imporant infromation about how bad Microsoft is. The only problem is that I could'nt understand somewhat of the techie stuff, tho I am a techie, i dont know what an API is, Maybe one of you guys should review the thing and add what the acronyms are like OEM (Orginal Equipment Manfacurer), SSL (Secure Socket Layer). I think some of these people are getting a little lost with all of the acronyms and not a good explaination of what they are exactly. Thank you very much for the info - but could you try to make it a little more "user-friendly" ;-)
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 8:17 pm    Post subject: I must say, I'm impressed Reply with quote

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Author: arrogantbastard

This has got to be the best anti-microsuck information I have ever read. I've printed the 13 pages out and I'm forcing everyone in my 'sphere of influence' to read it. I've also emailed about 500+ people about it (I use the BCC field, don't worry!). Keep up the good work!!
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